NU Honors 4th Year Routine 2017

National University 4th year honors examination routine 2017 has been published. According to this routine honors, the 4th-year examination will be started 20/02/2018. And examination will end on 02/04/2018.
You can know about NU honors 4th-year exam routine 2017 from this site and also can from NU official web site. If any changes are made in the exam routine, you can find from here. We are updated here from time to time. So visit this site regularly.

Examination Start Date: 05/03/2018
Examination Start Time: 1:30 PM
Examination Time: Mentioned in the question paper.
Examination End Date: 22/04/2018

Admit Card

This year there will be a digital signature in the admit card. College authority will print admit card with the digital signature and distribute among the students. So students will collect admit card with a digital signature before the examination.

Download Honors 4th-year routine

You can download the routine from And as well as from NU official site at Download routine is easy from here.


  1. University authorities can change the schedule without showing any reason.
  2. Question paper trunk cannot be withdrawn or taken from the treasury until the theological exam is over.
  3. Candidates will be given a digital signature. Respective college print the admit card and signature of college students and distribute among the students and examination center. Instructions can be found at the National University web site and in
  4. After the theoretical examination is over, the practical examination will begin. The practical and oral test schedules will be announced in due time. Candidates will contact the respective colleges and know the date and time of the practical and oral exam.
  5. The college authorities will have a copy of the test for the seating format and the center fee for Taka 450 / (Each candidate) within Tk. 450 reserve for own examinations expense of 150 takas and at the rate of taka 300 (Each candidate) total amount will submit to officer-in-charge before three days of the start of the examination.
  6. In-course, practical and oral examination number will be downloaded and sent by the National University software online and the print copy along with his memorandum and other papers will be submitted in the hands of 10 (ten) working days of the completion of the theoretical examination to the fourth year honors branch sub-test controller. The date of the practical test will be announced in due course.

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